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The Power of Positivity with Jon Gordon

What exactly is positivity – a platitude? An avoidance of reality? A way to sugarcoat challenges? And is there really a business case for staying positive? 

To find out, look no further than today’s One Next Step guest, bestselling author and speaker Jon Gordon. 

As the host of the Positive University podcast, Jon will be the first to tell you that positivity is much more than rose-colored glasses. In his words, it’s more about having the power to overcome the thorns. Beyond this, it’s also the key to transforming your company and your world.

Ready to turn that key and unlock success? Start with these three takeaways:

1. It’s OK to admit when something is wrong or challenging.

We’re not positive because life is easy. We’re positive because life is hard.

Positivity is not about ignoring a problem but rather navigating it with optimism and courage. It involves using belief, faith, and honesty to overcome challenges and create a better situation. Positivity is all about resilience and grit, and it’s all about moving forward.

2. Tough love isn’t always the best approach. 

Instead of tough love, positive leadership recommends a more optimistic technique: love tough. If your team knows that you care about them, you can earn the right to challenge them. And once you can challenge them, you can lead the team to new heights. 

3. True positive leaders address negativity.

A common mistake leaders make in the name of attempted positivity is missing out on the opportunity to address negativity that exists in their organizations and teams. If you want to create a winning team and a positive culture, you have to face negativity to transform it, neutralize it, or remove it. 

By addressing negativity head-on, you show that you’re willing to invest in your team and ensure that harm-causing behavior isn’t tolerated within your culture. Culture is something that has to be created with intention, and it should be your number one priority.

Our team is here to help you strengthen your positive leadership skills. 

By delegating administrative, operational, and financial tasks to our U.S.-based professionals, you can focus on top priorities like building a positive culture at your company. 

Our professionals can help you align your positive leadership approach with your marketing, growth trajectory, and more. Schedule a call today to learn more.