Delegation (15)

Remote Work

Hiring Isn't Hard. You're Just Doing It Wrong.

We’ve seen the headlines and heard the click-worthy names given to labor issues. And we’re not buying it. Hiring doesn’t have to be hard – and here’s...

Small Business

How to Infuse Fun Into Any Company Culture

When you’re having fun at work, you will be more excited to interact with your coworkers and check tasks off of your to-do lists.

Small Business

Being a Pro At Saying “No”

Learning how to say “no” and putting boundaries into place can help you accomplish more of your priorities.

Small Business

Bookkeeping 101: What to Tackle First

When working with a bookkeeper, it’s helpful to know where to start in order to get the most out of the partnership from day one.

Small Business

What to Do If You Hate Working from Home

We offer advice on how to customize a personal work environment that enables your WFH employees to thrive even if your organization is remote.

Small Business

Behind the Curtain — BELAY’s Year-End Review

Having a clear year-end review is important in tracking the success of your business as well as knowing what to focus on and continue putting your...