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How to Start Marketing Without a Team

In this bonus episode of the One Next Step Podcast, I tell small business owners and solopreneurs who haven’t made their first dedicated marketing hire where they can go to get help.

Here are some takeaways:

1. Fractional help is a great asset to have when marketing your small business.

Many entrepreneurs find themselves wearing all of the hats. And they are often the best marketers and sales people for their business.

However, they sometimes can find themselves in need of new ideas or more assistance. Resources such as HubSpot, Facebook or LinkedIn groups are a great place to start to find out what is working for other people.

Someone like a BELAY VA can help execute your plans and ideas before you take the next step in hiring a marketing professional, consultant or agency.


To dive a bit deeper into this conversation, check out the full episode where Tricia and I talk about putting a plan in practice to build a healthy marketing ROI.