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How to Promote Yourself & Your Business Without Feeling Sleazy

As a small business owner and leader, promoting your business and promoting yourself is essentially the same thing. But in today’s world of social media, many people are turned off by what they consider to be narcissistic self-promotion. 

No one wants to be “that person.” However, there is a way to promote your business in a tasteful, professional manner.

In this episode, LZ and I talk to Debby Stone, the founder and CEO of Novateur Partners and author of The Art of Self-Promotion. Debby will share her great ideas on how to get over the discomfort of self-promotion and how to promote in a way that connects with others – instead of turning them off.


Here are some takeaways she shared:


1. Use emotional intelligence when self-promoting.

Networking isn't solely about formal events; it happens daily. Whether you're at a gym or a backyard barbecue, opportunities to connect arise. The key is to be prepared and mindful of the context.

In business settings, self-promotion is often acceptable. Discussing your work or company can be beneficial. However, in more personal situations, be cautious. Gauge the environment before diving into in-depth conversations.

Remember, when asked about your work, a brief overview can be a great way to introduce yourself and your career.


2. Think of social media promotion as simply sharing information.

Don't hesitate to self-promote on social media. Sharing information about yourself and your work helps build credibility and attract clients. While self-promotion is generally acceptable for business accounts, balance it with other content on personal profiles. 

Focus on sharing valuable information, not just selling yourself. If your content is relevant and engaging, it's appropriate to share it.


3. Don't do false humility.

Self-promotion is often misinterpreted as bragging. However, authentically sharing your achievements and knowledge can build credibility and inspire others. Avoid false humility; own your accomplishments. By being genuine, you'll connect more effectively with your audience. Remember, there's no shame in celebrating your successes; they can inspire others.

Instead of using phrases like "I'm so humbled to have received X honor," simply state that you received the honor. Own your achievements rather than downplaying them with false humility. Such inauthenticity is easily detected on social media and can make you seem fake.


In today's world of social media, self-promotion can be a delicate balance. While it's essential for business growth, excessive or inauthentic self-promotion can alienate your audience. 

By following Debby’s advice, you can effectively promote your business without coming across as overly promotional. Remember to use emotional intelligence, focus on sharing valuable information, and avoid false humility. By doing so, you'll connect with your audience in a meaningful way and achieve your business goals.

And as a best next step, check out Debby Stone’s book, The Art of Self-Promotion.

Here are some questions for you and your team to reflect on next.

What are your initial thoughts about self-promotion?

Did Debby’s point of view change anything about how you view it?

When you self-promote the right way, what are some of the benefits that might come your way?

What are some of your guidelines for promoting on social media?