BELAY Blog: How To's & Tips on Leadership & Remote Working

Five Essential Tips to Improve Your E-Commerce Business

Written by Marketing | Dec 8, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Here, we’ll highlight five essential tips and tricks that can help you improve your site, boost your organic rankings, and help you drive traffic and revenue.

1. Use A Blog to Drive Site Traffic

A blog can be one of the easiest ways to invite people onto your site. When you write about topics of interest and use target keywords and phrases, even more people will see the posts.

Rest assured that just about any business could have a blog. When brainstorming topics, think about potential issues or problems someone could have and how you can educate or provide solutions.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Draft a "How To" series. Think Andie Anderson writing for Composure magazine. You could be industry-specific and highlight your usual processes and steps, and you can also throw in some humorous or themed blogs along the way.

2. Invite guest authors and contributors. Have a friend or colleague contribute to a topic or two in which they are experts. This will build trust in your brand by letting your audience know you are a trusted expert and want them to have the best information you can provide.

3. Create tutorials and best practices guides. How can you get the most out of X service or Y product? You can even incorporate videos and graphics here to help drive engagement.

4. Tell your customers' stories through case studies. How have your clients or customers benefited from working with you? What problem did they have that you solved for them?

5. Compile a list of helpful resources. Are there any books, podcasts, apps or subscription services that you've found helpful for people in your industry?

6. Show your audience what happens behind the scenes. These types of blogs and posts are always a fun way to allow your audience to meet your team and experience the hard work and dedication that goes into your business.

7. Answer some of your frequently asked questions. Provide answers before problems arise. By having a couple of blog posts dedicated to this content, your audience will feel more at ease working with you.

8. Brag on yourself a bit. For example, if you're an event planner, you can write a summary of what went well at your recent event, what lessons were learned, and what is going to be improved upon next time. Bonus points if you use reviews from your clients and a gallery of images. 

9. Provide some fun, freebie content. This is different from helpful resources. These types of posts could be your family’s Christmas cookie recipe or favorite books you read this year. Give your audience a bit of a glimpse into who you are.

2. Stay On Top of Site Maintenance & Design Best Practices

Besides regularly updating small things on pages of your website to content and photos, consider implementing a monthly audit of changes and additions.

A simple checklist to keep in mind is that you want to make sure that your site is easy to navigate, the font is easy to read and sized correctly, your information is up-to-date, the words and CTAs (calls to action) are still true and relevant, and is easy for someone who lands on your site to find what they need and contact you.

While how often you should do an overhaul update of your website content depends largely on the nature of your business, the fact that content must be thoughtfully maintained is universal.


Because Google – and other search engines if you’re into that sort of thing – provide users with information that best matches their search query. And in order to determine the relevance and accuracy of a page, search engine algorithms will weigh several ranking signals, including the type and number of keywords, and the quality and timeliness – or freshness – of your content.

3. Optimize Your Content for SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is how Google will index your site based on a combination of factors, such as the number of inbound links, keyword frequency, relevancy and quality, and how often it is updated. 

So no updates means no love from Google – or other search engines if that's how you get down.

Make a list of keywords or phrases a potential customer would search for when in need of your product or services. Then, take those keywords and sprinkle them throughout your blogs, photo tags, and headings like pixie dust.

And when you’re ready to completely nerd out on SEO, Google has an SEO Starter Guide that you can devour as you curl up next to a warm fire with your drink of choice in hand.

4. Consistently Update Your Plugins

Let’s have a bit of a refresher on plugins.

Hubspot says plugins are individual services that extend the functionality of your site. Plugins can change the visual elements of your site, add additional information or content, and even offer smoother integrations between your site and another tool your business uses.

So when you’re able to update these plugins regularly, it can help fix errors and bugs on your website, show off new features, and increase speed and performance.

5. Get Accounting Support

A dedicated BELAY Financial Specialist can import and categorize e-commerce transaction data, including merchant processing fees, chargebacks, returns, sales tax, and more for deeper insights into your financials and revenue forecasting for increased profits.

Because maybe you need all the help. Maybe you only need a little.

And with BELAY’s customized business accounting services, consider yourself Goldilocks: Finances that are just right for you and your growing e-commerce organization.

Increase the Value of Your E-Commerce Site With BELAY

Are you ready to get more bang for your buck with your e-commerce? BELAY can help with that.

Get started today.