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Amazing Stories of Silver-Lining Successes From Our Contractors

We are thankful, and our gratitude drives our actions.’

During this season of gratitude, this is the fourth in a series of five articles expressing our core company value above. Because despite the challenges this year has laid at all our feet, we still choose to actively count our many blessings.

This series will express the gratitude of those who place their trust and faith in us – and each other – at BELAY.

These are their stories.

“I enjoyed working for the local CPA firm, but being my own boss is truly better. I set my hours, and decide when to work to get the project completed on time.

“My clients make me excited to get up and do it again. They are a great group, and I enjoy interacting with them.

“It also doesn’t hurt that you can work in your pajamas – and no one cares. And when you video chat with a client or your peer group, you just need a professional shirt!” – Sam Card

“I’m blessed to work with several clients but one thing that will stick with me was just hearing the heart of my signature client’s wife once we kicked off our engagement.

“She had carried a burden for her family by doing work that she needed to do at the time but didn’t feel like she could carry long-term. And – as an aside – for someone without a financial background, let me say that she did a fantastic job!

“She and I really hit it off and I’m so thankful to know her. By coming on board, I was able to take a lot of stress off of her and their monthly business meetings. I love that I have made a difference not only in their business but also in their family – and that is such an amazing feeling.

“It is an honor to serve them and each of my clients.” – Sarah Miles

“I have been gifted an incredible opportunity to partner with some amazing entrepreneurs.

“Just knowing that I get to help executives reach their goals and scale their businesses is exciting – each day is a brand new adventure!

“Before BELAY, our son spent all day at school and then went to daycare. On weeknights, we got home just in time for a rushed dinner, homework, bath and bedtime.

“My work hours prevented me from attending school functions. I missed countless holiday parties, parent lunches and even award days.

“Now, he comes home right after school, and we get to spend time after dinner playing board games or watching movies as a family.

“I’ve also had the flexibility to attend school events and even eat lunch with my favorite second-grader – all while serving my clients!” – Chrissy Hudson

“I could go on about the big things – being able to travel home to see family whenever I want without needing to stress about vacation time, wrapping up my day early to go on a hike here in the beautiful PNW, or hanging out poolside while answering emails.

“But honestly, it’s the little things I love about the Third Option. Yesterday, my husband and I sat outside for lunch. I baked a loaf of bread between work calls. Our first baby is going to be born in June, and I get to enjoy slow mornings journaling about my pregnancy without having to rush into an office.

“The Third Option has brought little pockets of joy to me each and every day.” – Christiana Hill

“I’d worked from home before several years ago doing the same thing and realized it was a better fit for me.

“When this opportunity came my way, I jumped at it.

“For me, [it’s] being able to work only as much as I want to.

“And my clients have found that it costs them less to work with BELAY than it did to have someone full-time, doing the same job. [So] if you can find a way to do what you do remotely, make it happen. You’ll wish you’d done it sooner.” – Jon Lee Rabette

“Ironically enough, I did not select this role, per se, nor did I set out on a path to find it – it kind of found me.

“But, I do 100 percent feel that it is a calling, and while I did not necessarily seek it out, it found me for a reason, and I fully believe it’s what I was meant to do.

“I like to be around business-minded people; I like to be challenged to think critically and try to create an environment of growth and opportunity. I have been fortunate in my roles as an assistant to be able to work with leaders who have welcomed me into that space with them and allowed me to have a true hands-on experience and infinite learning opportunities along the way.”

“I feel very valued and appreciated for what I do, and that absolutely continues to encourage and excite me every single day!

“I feel a huge sense of responsibility, and that drives me to want to ensure that it all happens the way that it needs to. I want my clients to have the utmost confidence in not only my capabilities to perform my job but also in my ability to care for their businesses in the same ways that they do.” – Hope Ward

“I really love my two clients! That’s not an overstatement.

“They are a married couple who are co-CEOs of their company. They couldn’t be more different but that’s what makes it exciting for me – every day is different.

“At first, I was just supporting the husband, but now I’m supporting them both, and it’s been so much fun!

“They trust me, and I trust them. We have a wonderful rapport with each other. I meet individually with each of them once a week and I do completely different work for each of them so I’m never bored.

“I couldn’t be happier supporting them!” – Tonya Hill

“I wanted a better work-life balance.

“In an office setting as a business manager, it seemed as though I had always ‘lived to work.’ [But] virtual work allows for tremendous flexibility, which I treasure!

“The Third Option has allowed me to work from anywhere – this has been truly life-changing! I am able to travel and visit family for extended periods of time and not worry about missing work.

“I have been able to do more service work in my community, including joining the Red Cross Disaster Relief Team for my region. [It also] allows me to fit in more activities that are enjoyable and fulfilling, making me a happier person.

“Each night before I go to sleep, I give thanks for the Third Option.

“The fact that I don’t have to get up, find something to wear that I haven’t already worn this week, and drive to an office to sit for 8 hours is a huge motivation for me.

“Imagine a job where, if your work is done, you can go ‘home.’ It’s awesome!” – Krystal McGee

“Working with my client has been a joy because the match made by BELAY was outstanding.

“My client and I hit it off immediately and have worked very well together in improving her business processes. My background in writing and editing has helped tremendously as I have been able to assist my client beyond the day-to-day activities and get involved with client work.

“I feel like my client and I have meshed very well in the time we’ve worked together and I feel like a part of her team, not just a contractor who assists her.

“Plus, we have found opportunities to support each other on a professional level and connected on a personal level through shared hobbies and interests.

“For years, people have talked about a work-life balance and I have strived to find that. For the first time, I think I may have actually discovered what a good work-life balance actually feels like!” – Ari Adler

For more on gratitude — because who can get enough? — check out our One Next Step podcast episode on just that — How to Demonstrate Gratitude: Celebrating & Rewarding Your Team Remotely!