BELAY Blog: How To's & Tips on Leadership & Remote Working

5 Common Financial Mistakes Startups Should Avoid

Written by Marketing | Nov 2, 2023 8:00:00 AM

As the year comes to a close, startups and small businesses are confronted with a slew of financial tasks, including annual forecasting, budgeting and tax preparation. 

These responsibilities can be overwhelming, leaving many entrepreneurs uncertain about where to begin. Ignoring or mishandling year-end financial duties can result in costly mistakes and hinder your business's growth.


Are you feeling lost when it comes to year-end financial tasks?


If you answered a resounding, ‘Um, yes,’ to this predicament, help is available. Efficiency is crucial for startups, and this is where BELAY can make a difference.

We’re starting here by giving you five common financial mistakes to be aware of — and to avoid.


Fiscal Budgeting Tips for Startups and Small Businesses

Many entrepreneurs have recognized the need to enhance their year-end fiscal planning and prepare for the financial challenges of the upcoming year. 

Researching, planning and implementation are the stepping stones to financial success and long-term sustainability. To guide you on this journey, we’ve pinpointed several common mistakes frequently made by small businesses and startups.

In this section, we will explore these pitfalls and offer insights on how to avoid them, ensuring your business's financial stability and prosperity.


Be proactive with forecasting

In the ever-evolving landscape of startups and small businesses, the importance of proactive forecasting cannot be overstated. It's not just about predicting the future; it's about laying a robust financial groundwork for the year ahead. 

You'll never know what you can afford if you don't know how much money you'll have.

The act of forecasting revenue goes beyond mere prediction; it's about actively shaping the financial trajectory of your business. This proactive approach involves setting tangible benchmarks that serve as measuring sticks for success. 

By having clear targets in place, you not only have a roadmap to follow but also a means of quantifying your accomplishments.

Keeping a vigilant eye on the return on investment for your various business efforts is an invaluable practice. It enables you to discern what's performing well and what requires enhancement, all while pinpointing the areas where your financial resources are most significantly allocated. This level of financial insight equips you with the knowledge needed to optimize your business strategies.


Close your books every month, not once a year

Efficiency is a cornerstone of success in any business, but it's especially vital for startups and small businesses where team members often juggle a multitude of responsibilities. A key solution to enhancing your financial efficiency is adopting the practice of monthly financial reporting.

Conventional practices of closing your books annually may have been the norm, but they often lead to a whirlwind of stress during tax season. In contrast, performing bookkeeping and financial reviews every month, although it may seem like a short-term crunch, yields significant long-term gains.

Monthly financial reporting empowers businesses to be more proactive in their approach to growth and saving. It allows for real-time oversight of your budget, books and the overall financial health of your company. 

With this level of insight, you can make timely adjustments and informed decisions, steering your business toward a more prosperous future.

By keeping a watchful eye on your financial data month by month, you'll find that the stress and last-minute scramble during tax preparation time is significantly reduced. Also, your financial information will be up-to-date and readily available — making the tax season a far smoother and more manageable process.


Don't get caught in the tax season rush with your tax preparer

Just as tax preparers experience seasonality, startups and small businesses go through their own ebbs and flows. This unique rhythm is crucial to consider when reviewing your financial books and maintaining your fiscal health throughout the year.

Avoiding bottlenecks in tax preparation is key. 

When keeping your tax experts up-to-date on your financial status and business performance year-round, they become more than just external resources; they become extensions of your team. 

They'll have a deep understanding of how your business has fared throughout the year, making tax season a collaborative and well-prepared effort rather than a last-minute scramble.

By taking this proactive approach to prepare for tax season, you not only reduce the stress associated with tax season but also ensure that you're taking full advantage of available tax deductions and credits.


Avoid submitting paperwork too early

While being proactive and organized are indispensable traits for startups and small businesses, there's another equally vital facet — efficiency. 

Being well-prepared is undoubtedly essential, but sending these crucial forms to employees and contractors well before the tax deadline can lead to a cascade of revisions and added work. The larger the gap between distributing these papers and the actual tax submission date, the higher the likelihood of needing revisions and W-2C forms, which can create significant additional work for you and your team.

To avoid the headaches and extra time spent on corrections, it's essential to follow a well-thought-out schedule that allows for accurate W-2s and 1099s to be sent without the need for subsequent revisions. 

Striking the right balance between preparation and efficiency is the key to streamlining your tax season and ensuring a smoother process for your startup or small business.


Establish a consistent billing strategy

This step is the culmination of the points we’ve explored in this blog, which has emphasized the significance of proactivity, routine, effective communication with your tax preparer and deadline management.

A key principle here is the importance of consistency in your approach to bookkeeping. By following the advice shared in the previous segments, you've laid the groundwork for an efficient and well-organized financial system. 

Now, it's time to tie it all together by establishing a unified bookkeeping schedule.

This schedule isn't just for your internal team; it's a timeline that your tax preparer should also follow. When both your startup team and tax preparer adhere to this schedule, it results in streamlined efficiency. 

Clear expectations are set, reducing any last-minute rushes or uncertainties that often accompany tax season.


Need advice? Our BELAY Accounting Services experts can help.

Year-end financial responsibilities extend beyond mere housekeeping; they serve as the foundation for your business's future. Neglecting or mismanaging these tasks can result in costly errors that hinder growth.

That's where BELAY steps in.

At BELAY, we specialize in helping startups and small businesses navigate these financial challenges strategically. 

We understand that transparency and efficient financial housekeeping are crucial, but our focus goes beyond that. We empower you to rise above the competition by excelling in annual forecasting, budgeting and tax preparation.

Say goodbye to financial uncertainties and reach out to BELAY today to chart your course toward financial success.