BELAY Blog: How To's & Tips on Leadership & Remote Working

125 Bonus: Top Tips For Partnership & Affiliate Marketing

Written by Ryan Fitzgerald | Oct 31, 2023 8:00:00 AM

In this Bonus Next Step, BELAY’s Sr. Acquisitions Manager Ashlee Webb shares the one thing she wishes she would have known before starting this process of building relationships with potential partners and affiliates.


Here are some takeaways:


1. Don't be scared to ask for partnerships.

Look within your circle to find potential partnerships. Then, take it a step further. Once you develop those first few partnerships, don’t be afraid to ask for introductions. That is where the best partnership opportunities come from.

Find your one or two great partners to start with. Ask those two who they know, and who they’re connected with and ask for introductions. 

That’s the best way to continue to expand your circle and open more and more doors of those partnership opportunities.

And the partners you’re already working with know your business and your audience. So, ideally, the introductions are warm.


To dive a bit deeper into this conversation, check out the full episode where Ashlee and I chat about how to build and scale your business using partnerships and affiliates.

And to take things a step forward, download our Affiliate Media Kit if you’re curious to learn more or are interested in creating your own.