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What Your #2 Wants From You

Hear directly from a successful COO about what it takes to maximize the dynamics of the CEO/COO relationship. 

Every leader dreams of the rockstar “right-hand man,” but in actuality, we should focus on the support that makes it possible. What does a CEO need from their COO? More specifically, what does a leader need from their direct report and vice versa?

McKenzie Reeves Decker is the COO of System & Soul, and she works for a visionary, driven leader. In this episode, she tells us all about how to make the most of a relationship with your leader and why it’s so hard for some leaders to ask for and receive help.


Here are a few of our top takeaways:


1. Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward.

Maybe you built a successful business but are ready to sell and create something new. Or maybe you’re in a role you love but need to take time off to raise a family or do something different. Taking a step back can feel scary and counterintuitive, but it may be exactly what you need .

Even if it initially means less money or less prestige, it’s very possible to take that “step back” and eventually catapult forward past anything you imagined.  


2. When it comes to hiring, think about the acronym FIT.

Hiring is so much more than just whether or not someone can do the job.

Does this position FUEL the person’s unique ability?

Does it IMPACT their trajectory and the company’s trajectory?

And is it TIMELY for the business and the person?

This is a great way to filter through whether or not that person is a good fit, a good hire, for a potential position.


3. A leader and their second in command need to have values alignment and mutual appreciation.

They need to want the same things out of what they’re doing and be on the same page. They need to see the same value in what they are creating together. If that’s the foundation of what they both are doing, then they will have a successful, healthy relationship.

Those shared values should manifest through constant conversation and appreciation. “The CEO-COO relationship is the future thinker paired with the present thinker, trying to make the future happen today.”

An effective leader continues to fuel growth by filling their roster with the right teammates for the job. Make sure your hiring decisions align with your business’s values and don’t be afraid to take a step back to protect your future.

Are you ready to find the right FIT for your next hire? Schedule a free 30-minute consultation today to learn how our experts can help you find like-minded teammates and focus on what matters most to you.