BELAY Blog: How To's & Tips on Leadership & Remote Working

Meet Rhonda Laws, Virtual Assistant Extraordinaire and Super Grandma

Written by Cris Koenigs | Oct 17, 2019 11:00:28 AM

Listen. We won’t sugarcoat this: Rhonda Laws is in high demand. Like, high high demand. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Because not only does she have adult children of her own, but she also has grandchildren who need grandma smooches – before they get ‘too old’ to willingly accept them. 

So her reason for choosing her Third Option six months ago – though it ‘feels like six years’ – was obvious. 

“The important people in my life are approaching the age of potentially needing care,” she explains. “Simultaneously, I have grandchildren that are quickly approaching their teen years. I want the freedom to kiss faces.”

Why did you make the switch?

“I have a very dear friend who just recently passed away who had been working from home for years – and I was often envious of his working situation. 

“He was a wonderful, Godly man and would remind me, ‘If The Lord will do it for me, then He will do it for you when the time is right.’

“And my time was right.”

What has the Third Option afforded you that you didn’t have or couldn’t do before? 

“Kisses! Kisses for all the young faces – and a few older ones, too! 

“I was also able to see my mom get married this year! Her and my dad rekindled their flame 50 years after their original marriage!”

That. Is. AMAZING. What a love story. Who else do you spend time with and what do you like to do when you’re not working?

“I am a quilter to my core. I often say I manage people’s lives during the day and fabric at night – and, admittedly, occasionally during the day. Just recently, my granddaughter started showing an interest in learning how to sew. It’s nirvana!

“I also love taking landscape photographs. I mean, I do live in one of the most beautiful places on earth!”

What do you love most about your clients?

“I love the diversity. I love the fact that I’m working with so many different industries which keep me on my toes. 

“I am constantly learning something and sharing what I am learning; I love to learn and teach, too! For me, it’s just a matter of trying to figure out which personality I’ll allow out to play that day!” 

*wink wink*

What is one notable change you’ve seen in a client since starting your  engagement?

“For one client, I have really coaxed him out of his shell, and he has taken over. I have so enjoyed watching this happen. 

“He is a rather introverted, shy young man so it was fun teaching him what I knew – and that he was capable, too.

“With another client, I have enjoyed building trust. I think, in the beginning, he thought he might not get value for his money. I worked hard to prove otherwise, and I have enjoyed watching his demeanor change.”

How do your past experiences help your clients?

“One of my ‘brags’ pre-BELAY was having worked in multiple industries – and somehow BELAY was able to find multiple clients in industries in which I have no experience. 

“It has been so much fun learning about new clients and applying my management and organizational skills to their industries.

“For example, as an office manager, I was often responsible for ensuring the office systems were efficient. Over the

past 35 years, that has progressed from trying to figure out where to store the floppy disks to ensuring our data is safe and our social media accounts are secure and thriving. 

“Efficiency is something we VAs should be striving for with our clients, regardless of what the system might be.”

What was one of the struggles you had transitioning to a remote workplace that you have had to overcome? 

“I have worked 8 a.m.-to 5 p.m. for years – maybe more years than some of you have been alive! I have had to adjust my schedule and am just now starting to like it!”

What is one thing about what you do that makes you excited to get up tomorrow and do it again? 

“That’s easy – the hope to make someone’s life a little bit better! I really do hope that happens every day. And, of course, if I do that, they will let me keep doing this! It’s a win-win!”

What else would you want someone to know about working virtually? 

“Working from home is amazing. It has allowed me to spend time with my husband during his retirement years that I otherwise wouldn’t have had. I am beyond blessed and thankful!”

It’s Your Turn.

Why are you waiting for the perfect day when today can be that day? Apply now to begin your Third Option.