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Integrated Marketing – Combining Offline & Online Marketing for Better Results

Organizations often focus their marketing on a few channels that have worked for them in the past without understanding other opportunities to promote their business and make an impact. Unfortunately, this leaves their organization vulnerable if even one of their previous tactics or channels doesn’t produce at previous levels.

How can leaders at these organizations better use all marketing channels – both online and offline – to help them achieve the best possible results?

In today’s episode, I’m joined by our friend Michael Taggart, the COO of Envoy Media Group—an award-winning direct-response marketing company. He’ll talk with us about how he uses online and offline marketing channels for his clients so they can better market their organizations.


Here are some takeaways he shared:


1. Find your one thing.

A clear marketing strategy is essential for success. While vision and brand are important, the key lies in developing a well-defined plan. To avoid overwhelming customers, focus on a single, compelling differentiator. Less is often more in marketing.

By consistently highlighting your unique selling point, you can create a memorable brand identity. This requires a deep understanding of your customer's needs and preferences. Listen closely to their feedback, reviews, and even their direct experiences with your products or services. 

This will help you craft a compelling message that resonates with your target audience.


2. Get all your data and insights in one place.

In today's digital age, effective marketing requires a unified approach. While you may use various channels, consolidating your efforts into a single platform will provide valuable insights and streamline your strategy.

Envoy developed their own tool for this purpose, but many companies offer similar services. By centralizing your data, you can more easily interpret analytics and make informed decisions.

This integration allows you to gather data from multiple sources and analyze it in a centralized location. By doing so, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers' behavior, preferences, and lifetime value.

Choose a data integration solution that aligns with your specific needs. Whether you opt for a pre-built platform or develop your own, the goal remains the same: to bring your data together in one place. This will enable you to make more informed decisions, optimize your campaigns, and ultimately drive better business results.


3. Use a sticky marketing strategy.

A consistent marketing message can make a lasting impression. Even if people don't click on your ad immediately, they may remember your brand and search for you later. This strategy effectively addresses a problem and demonstrates how your solution can solve it.

By consistently communicating your brand's unique value proposition, you can "live rent-free" in your target audience's minds. This means planting the seed in their minds that will continuously remind them of your brand and its benefits. 

To achieve this, focus on addressing a specific problem and clearly articulating how your product or service is the solution.


By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a more effective and impactful marketing approach. By identifying a unique selling point, centralizing data, and employing a consistent marketing message, businesses can better connect with their target audience and drive results.

Use these questions to spark conversation between you and your team:

What do you believe is the differentiator you can use to market your business?

What is your approach to offline and online marketing?

What are some of the best/worst online and offline experiences you’ve had with marketing?

What’s your view on outsourcing certain aspects of your marketing, like social media?