BELAY Blog: How To's & Tips on Leadership & Remote Working

Six Kids. Several Businesses. One Virtual Assistant. How BELAY Helped Me Reclaim My Life.

Written by Ebony Clark | Mar 16, 2021 6:00:23 AM

It’s no secret we love hearing from our clients, especially those raving fans we’ve earned over the years. So naturally, we’re honored to share Leslie Begin’s account of her experience using BELAY to hire. 

About the author: Leslie Begin is a health and business coach focused on empowering others to find more success, joy and freedom through the pursuit of health and entrepreneurship. She assists others to organize their lives around what matters most to them.

Here she shares her experience with BELAY.

“I had a beautiful day that represented the freedom it's brought to my life.”

I’m an entrepreneur and we own a couple of businesses. I have six children and we run a huge business with thousands of people. 

Since Amanda [my BELAY Virtual Assistant] has started, it has been phenomenal. And I had a beautiful day that represented the freedom it's brought to my life. 

Amanda has helped me to pick up so many pieces, get them organized and structured so that I can be the best version of myself for the people that I need to show up for. 

Thursday was the end of the month – which is a crazy, crazy time for us. I had a friend ask me to meet her for coffee, and I [said], ‘I need to check my calendar.’

That morning, I [had] spent the morning at the beach with my two youngest daughters, and when I looked [at my calendar], I [realized] I actually have a lot of free time scheduled. 

So I met a friend – who is also a colleague – for coffee and just enjoyed a beautiful sunny day outside getting vitamin D. 

And on the way to coffee, a friend texted me and said, ‘Hey! Want to join me for a juice at 12?’

I'm like, ‘Yes! I want to join you for a juice.’ 

And so we sat outside in the sun-filled sky and had a fresh-squeezed juice. Some friends who are also colleagues had come into town – we live in this beautiful beach town – I sat there and had a late lunch with them and just dreamt and enjoyed the breeze and the rewards of this labor that we've built over seven years. 

I got to actually enjoy the rewards of it because Amanda was handling so many of the details in the background – and I was leading an online event for 750 people that night. 

And I wasn't freaked out about it or managing the details at the last minute because it had already been managed – all of this was being handled behind the scenes. 

She was being me behind the scenes so it allowed me to be in real life, to just relax and sit and be

My husband and I spent quality time with our daughters, I led the meeting and then I went in and kissed them and tucked them into bed at night. 

I was fully me – the best version of myself – for the people that I showed up for that day. And truly it's thanks to Amanda and BELAY.