BELAY Blog: How To's & Tips on Leadership & Remote Working

The Gift of Great Team Members: How the BELAY Team Exceeded Our Expectations in 2020

Written by Ebony Clark | Nov 26, 2020 5:02:00 PM

We are thankful, and our gratitude drives our actions.’

During this season of gratitude, this is the fifth and final article in this series expressing our core company value above. Because despite the challenges this year has laid at all our feet, we still choose to actively count our many blessings.

This series will express the gratitude of those who place their trust and faith in us – and each other – at BELAY.

These are their stories.

“This is an easy one for me since there is so much to be grateful for!

“Personally, I am grateful to God who has helped me see that, in all things, there are blessings.

“I’m grateful that I had an extra six months with my college kids home! I know those days are going to be far and few between in the near future. I’m grateful my husband’s company has weathered a crazy economic time and continues to flourish. I’m grateful both of my parents are nearby and I can check on them and they remain healthy. I’m grateful to have celebrated my 28-year wedding anniversary this year.

“Professionally, I am grateful to work for a company that is virtual, so there was little change in our working style. I am grateful our business has sustained growth during an economic downturn and we continue to be able to live out our mission and vision for BELAY. I am most grateful that during a crazy year, I had the consistency of my BELAY co-workers – who are also friends – and we were able to work and pray our way through this season.”

– Jen Barden, Director of Finance

“Despite the challenges of this year, there is still so much for which I’m grateful.

“I’m grateful for my health, and that of those whom I hold most dear. I’m grateful for my close-knit family, including my two fur babies, and my extraordinary friends.

“I’m grateful to humbly serve as a leader at a job – and company – I absolutely love!

“I’m also grateful for the seemingly small everyday blessings, like Saturday morning family breakfasts at our favorite restaurant, my morning walks, good books, YouTube videos about beautiful homes, and gardening.”

– Lisa Zeeveld, COO

“I am grateful for the team at BELAY – their hard work, passion, and dedication to our guiding principles, and the fact that everyone is just a wonderful human being makes each day a gift.

“Is that too much? #sorrynotsorry 

“I am grateful for the work-life balance that BELAY provides me. I get to work hard and family hard.

“I truly love my job and am beyond thankful to BELAY for the opportunity.

“I am also thankful for snacks and dogs.”

– Cris Koenigs, Director of Contractor Services

“Professionally, I’m grateful for my team. We have endured so much this year and they have demonstrated such grit and grace through it all.

“Personally, I’m grateful for my husband. With our kids being home for seven months, all while juggling full-time jobs, child care, the state of the world, I can’t imagine a better partner by my side.”

– Brooke Cecil, Director of Client Relations

“I’m thankful for my family, who I have been able to spend more time with than ever before, both due to COVID, as well as coming to BELAY to work.

“I’m thankful for all the men and women in service of their country this year.

“I’m thankful for BELAY! I came here at a very interesting time, but God has been faithful and I’m glad to have followed the doors opening up.

“And last – but certainly not least – I am thankful college football is back!”

– Matt Seaton, Director of Technology

“I’m grateful for the team at BELAY, and to work for a company that recognizes us as people first, employees second in this unconventional year.

“I’m grateful for my neighborhood. Families out walking, playing and socially distanced visits. It’s a true community and I am grateful for it.

“I’m grateful for my kids being able to have a relatively normal – ‘normal’ being relative this year – beginning of the school year and taking all the twists and turns in stride.

“I’m also grateful for being able to slow down last spring – even though it was for the worst of reasons because I wouldn’t trade all the fun family time for anything.”

– Amy Appleton, Director of Marketing

“I’m grateful for working alongside seriously fearless and driven leaders who are ready to pivot for the sake of our teams and our company.

“I’m grateful for being able to lead well from home, allowing me to be a good wife, mom, and leader.

“And I’m eternally grateful for the support of my executive assistant who keeps all my plates spinning!”

– Lisa Seal, Vice President of Revenue

“A few things I’m grateful for this year include the trust, support and confidence from my leaders to allow me to serve this company at the executive level. It is an honor.

“I’m also grateful for my family, who believes in me, encourages me and challenges me to go after my goals. They love me unconditionally and make me a better person. I am forever grateful for their continuous support and sacrifice.

“While COVID has rattled life and normalcy, I am grateful for the forced slow down of daily life. Perspectives and priorities shifted and it has been a great reminder of what is truly important to me and my family.

“During the pandemic, I stopped feeling guilty about investing in myself. There seemed to be no better time – no travel, no sports, no gatherings, no distractions, no excuses. So, I invested heavily in my nutrition, exercise and mental health. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and I no longer feel guilty for working hard to keep my cup full.”

– Krisha Buehler, Vice President of Human Resources

For more on gratitude — because who can get enough? — check out our One Next Step podcast episode on just that — How to Demonstrate Gratitude: Celebrating & Rewarding Your Team Remotely!